Lawrence Software Company

Our Work

Greg's Carpentry And Remodeling

Greg runs a carpentry and remodeling business in the Salt Lake City UT area. He does great work and has the reviews to back it up.

I discovered Gregs business while browsing the service section on a classified site. I noticed that he didn't have a website and so I reached out offering to make him one

After some going back and fourth I got an idea of more or less what he was looking for and got to work. Gregs website features some of his work, and reviews from clietns. I am pretty happy with how it all turned out, and hopping it works out for him. So if you're in the Salt Lake City UT area and need some carpentry and remodeling done, check out Gregs website

Greg's Carpentry And Remodeling

Chase The Potato


"the website that they built was amazing the website was nice looking cool mechanics. I would give this a 5 Stars if you need a website to here NOW!" -Chase The Potato

Chase The Potato is a small gaming youtuber. I built this site for him so that he could have an extra touch point with his audience, as well as establish himself as a more professional looking profile.

Giving this website a more gamer like aesthetic was important to me as it is a core part of Chase The Potatoes brand. To do this I made the opening of his site the picture he uses for his Youtube as well as his name to create a feel reminiscent of discord. Additionally I kept the colors mostly to black white and gray similar to platforms like steam and epic games

Overall I think it is a nifty little single page application that does a good job of showing off his brand.

Chase the Potato's website